Cleaning and Oral Hygiene

Tips for a Healthier Smile As Your New Year’s Resolution

Everyone likes to make New Year’s resolutions to improve their health, but a commitment to a healthier smile is often forgotten. Too many people tend to think seeing the dentist is all about dealing with cavities. But your oral health has now been proven to have a powerful impact on your overall well-being, since periodontal bacteria can travel throughout the body and increase your risk for everything from cardiovascular disease to diabetes. Here are some ideas for ways to have a healthier and more beautiful smile in 2022:

1) Have a Full Dental Exam and Professional Hygienic Cleaning Twice Per Year

In six months, a small cavity or a gum infection can become serious, but is still treatable. At Harder Dental, we know how important it is to address such problems with preventative dental care. Your dentist may recommend having a digital x-ray (which involves minimal radiation) to take a closer look at areas such as between teeth that are hard to see or to check on how strong your jawbone is (if an infection sets in there, it needs to be dealt with immediately). Your hygienist has the tools and techniques that can scrape away plaque (the bacterial film that forms around tiny particles of food that have not been removed) or even tartar (which is what plaque becomes when it hardens). She may recommend an anti-bacterial solution be injected or an implant in a problem area to be sure an infection is stopped.

2) Brush for Two Minutes Twice Per Day and Floss Before Bedtime

Few of us were taught exactly how to brush and floss correctly. You should use a soft bristle brush and gently stroke outwards at a 45° angle from the gum line to the end of the tooth on both front and back, ideally after breakfast and dinner. Flossing can also be challenging: make sure you hold the floss so that it is in contact with both sides of each tooth. If you have questions about technique, ask your hygienist to show you. 

3) Eat Healthier Food and Less Sugar

It has been shown that your oral health will improve if you eat more vegetables, nuts, whole grains, beans, and legumes, which have fiber that stimulates saliva production which prevents bacteria from flourishing. Dairy or alternatives, including yogurt and kefir, have calcium and phosphorus that keep teeth hard. Sugar eats away the surface enamel of teeth and makes them vulnerable to decay, while also feeding periodontal bacteria (there are healthier alternatives, especially xylitol, which actually improves oral health). Chew sugar-free gum after meals to help clean up bacteria and strengthen your jaw.

4) Minimize Harmful Habits

Smoking (anything) especially affects the health of your mouth, so at least reduce it. If you drink lots of coffee, tea, and red wine, finish with water or brush afterwards to keep these from staining your teeth. If you unconsciously grind your teeth at night (your dentist can tell by the wear-and-tear), ask about having a night guard custom-made to prevent further damage. 

A healthier mouth in the New Year will mean a happier you, with the confidence to flash a full and friendly smile to everyone you meet.

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